
Norfolk Island Real Estate has a genuine investment in the local community. We employ local staff, support local businesses, and sponsor local sports teams.

We understand the struggles and opportunities that our fellow community members face, and work to assist them where we can. We are particularly driven to support local youth sports groups to encourage more of our island’s young people to participate in these clubs and associations. We believe that giving the young people in our community widespread access to sports increases their quality of life and adds to their community pride.


Having the Norfolk Island Real Estate logo printed on the back of a jersey, or the front of a cricket shirt creates a sense of pride amongst our staff. Watching our team win a match or seeing a group photo helps to remind our business of the importance of local community. 

Player participation fees are sometimes expensive and can be the deciding factor between signing a child up for sport or not. Sponsoring local sports teams or clubs can reduce these fees to increase sign-ups and encourage participation.

NIRE have supported and provide ongoing sponsorship to:

  • Norfolk Island Cricket Club - Strikers Team
  • Norfolk Island Junior League - Junior B's Team
  • Athletics Norfolk Island - GIFT Event
  • Norfolk Island Tennis Club - Monday Night Competition